I've finally managed to break down and get a dedicated acid machine now, and my choice was the Roland TB-03. On first glance. it shares a similar visual layout as the original machine. The silver box format has been merged with the Roland Boutique case, resulting in a new yet familiar machine. My first thoughts when comparing the actual sounds to the other Roland re-creation was "OK, this has it's own sound!"
Yes, The Roland Boutique TB-03 has a different sonic character when compared directly with it's recent predecessor, the TB-3. I'm not entirely sure what the development team at Roland has going on under the hood, but there is a noticeable improvement in the depth and "bite" that this synth offers. Now, I have not owned an original Tb-303, nor I am I intimately familiar with it's nuances outside of how it sounds on a decent part of my record collection. I'm sure there are purists that will deride this machine with a litany of critiques, but I'm choosing to look at the glass as half full. I like the TB-03. It's a fun machine to turn on, and crank out some cool sounds, end of story.
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